contribution to: Der gewöhnliche Schrecken (the usual terror)
horror stories, edited by Peter Handke, 1969

Dear Peter Handke, 13.11.68
something awful has happened to me (now) yesterday; I accidentally hit my hand with a(n iron-studded) spiked meat mallet. (I) The doctor can't tell yet how badly damaged it is, but it looks really awful. Perhaps I won't be able to ever write again. And I've lost all interest in it (right now) at the moment. Perhaps I'll switch to another profession. I am dictating these lines so as to tell you I won't be able to write the horror story I promised for March. I just can't put my mind to it; my hand hurts terribly and looks like a (bloody) shapeless chunk of meat. You won't be angry with me about this, will you! Perhaps things will work out next time.
Cordially yours
postcard of Dominik Steiger to Peter Handke, 13. 11. 1968, copy of front in facsimile, first published in: Peter Handke (ed.), Der gewöhnliche Schrecken. Horrorgeschichten, Residenz Verlag, Salzburg 1969, p. 69

postcard of Dominik Steiger to Peter Handke, 13. 11. 1968, copy of reverse in facsimile, first published in: Peter Handke (ed.), Der gewöhnliche Schrecken. Horrorgeschichten, Residenz Verlag, Salzburg 1969, p. 69