The Knöchelchen (little bones)-drawings were my first in 1972/73. They had followed a period of my written art being demembered - reaching a point where the work of writing hit the little bones. There it stopped altogether for a while, what followed was the mere notation of many individual little bones in lines, looking like lists. Then however again a time of recomposition was to come, according to new ideas, which enhanced the retreat from the realms of little bones. A new story.


from: Dominik Steiger, ÜBER MEINE KNÖCHELCHEN-ZEICHNUNGEN (About my little bones-drawings); first published in: Otto Breicha (Hg.), Protokolle ’82/3. Zeitschrift für Literatur und Kunst, Bd. 3, Jg. 1982, Jugend und Volk, Wien/München 1982, p. 221